WisABA promotes, embraces, and advocates for the science and practice of behavior analysis.

About Us

The Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis (WisABA) serves as the state affiliate chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) and the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA). WisABA was founded in 2004 and embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. We endeavor to provide a professional development and networking forum for behavior analysts. WisABA serves as an advocacy group for behavior analysts and the people they serve.

​Our Purpose

WisABA is a non-profit organization [501(c)(3)] incorporated under Wisconsin Statute Chapter 181, for professionals, parents, caregivers, educators, and researchers who are interested in promoting the science of behavior analysis. We fulfill this purpose by engaging in the following:

a. Promoting and providing professional development opportunities for behavior analysts.

b. Supporting the design and application of evidence based interventions to improve the quality of life of the individuals served by Behavior Analysts in the state.

c. Collaboration with community stakeholders (parents, service providers, influencers, etc.) to disseminate information pertaining to behavior analysis in the state of Wisconsin.

d. Educating the community at large regarding all applications of behavior analysis and the scope of the science.

e. Maintain a website containing information regarding the organization and resources for behavior analysts

Click Here to view WisABA’s current bylaws (October 2024).