ABA Clinical Practices Survey
There is a new study about prompting strategies utilized with verbal operant programming in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). You and the members of your ABA U.S.A. chapter are invited to complete a 25 minute anonymous survey.
Seeking volunteers that meet these requirements:18 years old or older BACB® credentialed as a BCaBA®, BCBA®, or BCBA-D®in good standing.Currently utilizes prompting strategies in clinical programming.Currently utilizes verbal operants in clinical programming.This study is part of the doctoral program for Brandie A. Kretzschmar, M.A., M.S., BCBA®. A Developmental Psychology Ph.D. student at Walden University. The survey will be open until the end of March, 2024.
Please click below to view the consent form and begin the survey.
More information HERE